GAYTIMES+ are giving the gift of ‘giving back’ this festive season, by opening up GAYTIMES+ to charitable new members who would like to ‘Pay It Forward’ and purchase a new membership for not only themselves, but another member of the global LGBTQ+ community.
Be it for a friend, or a total stranger, you can sign up to GAYTIMES+ Pay It Forward here.
GAYTIMES+ Pay It Forward members receive the same benefits as GAYTIMES+ members, but they also cover the cost of a new member for as long as their membership is active.
It’s very simple – visit the sign up page here, and select which GAYTIMES+ Pay It Forward Membership tier you would like to purchase.
GAYTIMES+ will then allocate this membership to somebody from the community who has previously expressed interest in joining GAYTIMES+, but who perhaps can’t afford the membership fee at this time.
You can also choose who you would like to purchase your membership for – just submit their email address to payitforward@gaytimes.co.uk after you have signed up and GAYTIMES+ will handle the rest.
Every GAYTIMES+ member receives instant and exclusive access to the latest issue of GAY TIMES Magazine via the GAY TIMES app, as well as 20+ back issues.
Members get original LGBTQ+ content and editor-led newsletters direct to their inbox twice per week and have their voices heard through member’s only surveys, polls and interviews.
Members also have access to exclusive events both online and offline (when it’s safe to do so), and new podcast series coming before the end of 2020.
Pay It Forward with GAYTIMES+ this holiday season – sign up here.
If you would like to register your interest to receive a GAYTIMES+ Pay It Forward membership from a member, please email payitforward@gaytimes.co.uk.