It’s nearly Christmas, which means a whole host of festive shows have opened all over London, and earlier this week we made our way to the Southbank Centre to catch the touring production of Carlos Acosta’s Nutcracker in Havana (it will be playing at the New Victoria Theatre in Woking and then the Milton Keynes Theatre in January). Last year we caught the Tuff Nutt Jazz Club rendition of The Nutcracker at the Southbank Centre; this year’s version is decidedly different, with a Cuban influence – the musical score has been rearranged in a Latin style.
It’s certainly very different to what we’re used to, and a somewhat unlikely fusion, but there’s plenty here to enjoy. The dancing, as you would hope, is impressive – the ensemble inject a palpable passion into what is clearly a finely-tuned classical technique. The costumes look the part too.
We thought the show had a couple of shortcomings, however. Being a touring production, the set and the musical set up have to be adaptable to new surroundings, which is understandable but the results aren’t the best here. The music is pre-recorded and the set is often quite simple, which jars somewhat with the lavish scenes being created on the stage – the performers are clearly pouring their hearts and souls into what they’re doing but it’s happening against a slightly lifeless backdrop, which is a real shame.
We also thought the production was a little incoherent, especially during the opening scenes – you’ll probably already need to know the story pretty well to understand what’s happening. Many people seeing the show will of course be familiar with the narrative, but that won’t be everyone’s experience.
We enjoyed our evening with Carlos Acosta’s Nutcracker in Havana – we felt there was room for improvement, but there’s still plenty to recommend. The dancing is very impressive, and that’s the main thing really, isn’t it? If you’re looking for a novel take on The Nutcracker this festive season, it’s certainly well worth your consideration.
GAY TIMES gives Carlos Acosta’s Nutcracker in Havana – 3/5
More information can be found here.