“You deserve a partner in the White House to fight with conviction and win the battles ahead.”
Joe Biden has once again pledged his allegiance to the LGBTQ+ community.
During Unite for Equality Live on Thursday night, a virtual event held by the Human Rights Campaign, the Democratic presidential candidate re-iterated his commitment to the community if he defeats Donald Trump in the November election.
“This election is going to determine our future for a very long time,” he began his three-minute speech. “We’re facing multiple crises — an epidemic, recession, racial injustice, climate change, wildfires, an assault on LGBTQ rights, declining faith in a bright American future.
“What’s the common thread? A president who makes things worse, not better, who brings chaos, not order, who sees violence and only fans the flames.”
Biden, who has been outspoken about LGBTQ+ rights since the start of his presidential campaign, continued to list the numerous ways in which Trump has harmed the LGBTQ+ community.
“For four years Donald Trump has tried to rollback the protections for the LGBT community, denying transgender Americans a choice to serve our country, letting adoption agencies and homeless shelters and public services discriminate, turning a blind eye to the epidemic of violence transgender women of color,” he said.
“The White House should never be source of opposition, or fear or oppression. It should be a source of hope and moral courage and unification. You deserve a partner in the White House to fight with conviction and win the battles ahead.”
Biden then declared how he’ll correct Trump’s anti-LGBTQ+ policies: “Together we’ll pass the Equality Act, protect LGBTQ youth, expand access to health care, support LGBTQ workers, win full rights for transgender Americans, recommit to ending the HIV/AIDS epidemic by 2025, advance LGBTQ rights around the globe, not just at home.”
Earlier this year, HRC President Alphonso David endorsed Biden on the eighth anniversary of when he publicly supported same-sex marriage.
“Vice President Joe Biden is the leader our community and our country need at this moment,” he said. “His dedication to advancing LGBTQ equality, even when it was unpopular to do so, has pushed our country and our movement forward.”
You can watch Joe Biden’s speech in full below at the 55 minute mark.