In his coming out post, the singer spoke about past relationships with men and women.
Singer Nick Petricca, best known as the lead singer for Walk the Moon, has come out as bisexual. The singer came out in an Instagram post on the last day of Pride Month (30 June).
In the post he wrote: “I am Bisexual. Today is the last day of Pride Month here in the year 2020, and I think it’s time I said that.”
Noting his previous privilege, he wrote: “My whole life I have passed for a ‘normal person’, cisgender straight guy, and this has afforded me a life of privilege. Virtually no name-calling or bullying or hardship around my sexuality really at all.
“My heart is with so many LGBTQ+ human beings who have had a much more challenging experience than I have. AND I believe in what Harvey Milk said… (I’m paraphrasing) that when the collective as a whole, when people as a whole realize that we are everywhere… that we are your children, that we are your mothers and fathers and brothers and sisters… that we have been with you and among you and are you and have been this whole time… *that’s* the moment when the myths, the bullying, and the inequality will end.”
He continued, writing: “So to the extent to which this message serves that end, and to the extent to which it serves you – whoever you are watching this, whatever your situation is, if this gives you a degree of courage, confidence, if this gives you 1% more permission to be unapologetically yourself – then f u c k y e a h.
“I’m here to say: I am Bisexual. I have feelings for, am attracted to both men and women, and I have had experiences with both men and women, and I’m proud of it.

Peter Salanki via Flickr
“I believe that sexuality is a spectrum, and I believe that most people probably live somewhere in between these far ends, heteronormative ends of this spectrum. And I believe that you can be an LGBTQ+ person whether you have had a particular type of experience with someone yet, or ever, in your life.
Nick then left a message of encouragement for other LGBTQ+ people, writing: “I want you to know whoever you are, however you’re built, however you were created, however you share your love with another human being, I LOVE YOU. And God loves you. Jesus loves you. The Universe loves you.
“And whatever the social-normative-narrative-programming-mainstream-whatever would have us believe – you are 100% grade-A beautiful perfect complete human being, and you are loved.
“And for you to be 100% free to be yourself – this is vital. And it’s vital to our future. It’s vital to the whole world, and to me that you are free to be yourself. bc that’s the only way we’re gonna get shit done around here.
“That’s the only way you are gonna realize your life’s purpose, your highest most high destiny. And that’s the kind of world we’re building. That’s what we’re up to. That’s what I’m here for. So I hope you have the best year of your life, and I love you. Happy fucking pride!”
His post has been viewed over 27,000 times, and has received over 8,500 likes, with a host of supportive comments. One fan wrote: “I’m so proud of you!! I’ve been listening to your music for about 7 years and it has gotten me through a lot of struggles.
“I know how hard it can be to come out but just know you will have lots of love and people who will stand by your side! thank you for sharing! much love! <3”
And another added: “Thank you for being a beacon of light in this sometimes dark world and living your truest version of you.”
Petricca had hinted at his sexuality before in song lyrics before coming out, singing in the band’s 2017 song All I Want: “Maybe if I went out less on the weekend / Maybe if I just didn’t exist / Maybe if I was straight, maybe if I was vegan / Maybe if I still had you to kiss.”
You can listen to the full song either here, or below.
Related: Here are all the celebrities who’ve come out as LGBTQ+ in 2020 (so far)