Police have now released the audio from the 9-1-1 that the victim made.

Police in Charleston, South Carolina, have released the audio files of a 9-1-1 call that a gay man made after he as threatened with a gun for allegedly “talking gay.”

The attack happened back on the morning of 25 October after the man had dropped his brother off in the neighbourhood.

He claimed that he was sending a text message when the man in front of him got aggressive and accused him of following him.

On the call, the man said: “I’ve got this guy following me because I’m gay. He’s trying to shoot me. He’s like literally chasing my car.”

He added that the attacker had used homophobic slurs against him, saying he’d been told: “We don’t like fa***ts around here, keep going.”

After claiming that he wasn’t following the man, the victim said on the call: “I was like, ‘Ain’t nobody following you, I’m sending a text message.’ He goes, ‘Y’all are talking gay. We don’t want no gay people around here,’ blah blah blah.”

He went on to say that the attacker had a gun, although he could not identify what model, and that he threw something at his car. Police believe that the object thrown was a phone charger.

Police are currently searching for a suspect, with Luther Reynolds, the Charleston Police Chief saying: “Hate has no place in the city of Charleston.”

Although South Carolina doesn’t have hate crimes laws for the LGBTQ+ community, the city itself has an ordinance making it illegal to intimidate someone because of their sexual orientation, and punishes those who do with a $500 fine and 30 days in prison. It is believed that the suspect will be charged with aggravated assault.

Anyone with information is urged to call (843) 743-7200 or Crime Stoppers at (843) 554-1111.

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